EQUI Capital: Limitless Venture Capital Opportunities for Everyone - Part 1: Project Introduction

EQUI Capital - Project Introduction

In this piece I will be introducing a blockchain project called EQUI Capital. 
EQUI capital is a project that is brought to light by utilizing the limitless opportunities provided by the Blockchain. EQUI capital is a blockchain platform that provides venture capital investment opportunities to everyone irrespective of their income bracket.
For a lot of young or seasoned entrepreneurs the opportunity to invest in the next Google, Apple or the next Facebook is nothing but a lucid dream, the closest some investors will ever get to venture capital investments are Hollywood movies and books.
The venture capital market is designed such that, opportunities to invest in small, early-stage or emerging companies which are deemed to have high growth potential is reserved for wealthy investors and Ultra-high net worth individuals financially capable of having high risk investment portfolios; Not anymore.
EQUI capital is now offering that same privilege to all forms of investors with the EQUI capital platform.

What is EQUI?

EQUI is an Ethereum blockchain based capital investment platform with its own unique cryptocurrency. EQUI platform is supported by experienced individuals whom have had success in their fields, using a vast global network to identify exciting ventures that will excel from not only a financial injection but also that of operational and strategic expertise.  ~ Extracted from Whitepaper.
The EQUI ecosystem combines both the innovations of the blockchain with human factors like experience, technical knowhow, and insights from professionals to provide the best opportunities and guidance for investors.
The EQUI ecosystem is more and rewards not only the in the investors, find out more about How EQUI Works in the next part of this series.
Always do your own research, get involved in conversations on their telegram community https://t.me/equicapital and visit the website https://www.equi.capital/ and ANN Thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2888110.new#new for more information.
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