Joy Token - Business Analysis
SWOT - Analysis
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps business owners as well as investors identify the strengths and weaknesses, as well as any opportunities and threats that may exist in a specific business situation.
I will be using this tool perform an in-depth analysis of joy token in this piece.

The joy token platform offers values that are previously unavailable in the gambling and online casino atmosphere.
- Users Personal Wallet: users of Joy gaming platforms have complete control of their funds with their personal joy token wallets and unlike the traditional online gambling platforms, they do not have to transfer their tokens to the casino's account to carry out their gaming activities.
- The Project Team: Joy tokens project team has immense experience in their various fields. More so this is not just a team of entrepreneurs and risk takers ready to make profit off the venture and move on to the next. The team is a good mix of seasoned dedicated professionals, the CEO and CTO boast over 50 years of experience between them and most importantly there are equipped with quite a number of Backend/Frontend developers working to ensure the seamless integration of developer games to the Joy platform.
- Instant Withdrawals: the presence of instant withdrawals on Joy's gaming platform is a value that cannot be over emphasized, why? Traditional gaming platforms have dedicated a lot of efforts into making withdrawal of funds as fast as the deposits, but unlike Joy token, they are not equipped with a smart contract so therefore still relies on human factors as regard dispatching of winnings to winners thus wasting valuable time.
Joy token using its smart contracts dispatches winnings to its users instantly as they request for withdrawal.

The reason decentralized platforms for different industries are formed is to give a voice to the little guys. To provide equal opportunities to everyone that is entering the space.
Joy token like other decentralized platforms offers that same type of voice to the little guys in the gaming industry. The problem however is that when something is made open source and the scrutiny in the other platforms are not present, the platform can be abused.
The Main weakness that Joy Gaming platform has is the volume of low quality games that are going to be integrated into the platform has a result of it being open to everyone. This may result in a turnoff for the platform users if they are going to have to surf through a lot of low quality games before they get to the good games, also it may hurt the rewards of the good game developers.
According to in 2015 the online gaming market had a volume of 37.91 billion U.S dollars and these figures are forecasted to increase to 59.79 billion U.S dollars in 2020.
This is an industry that is already booming irrespective of its numerous restrictions and limitation, signaling one fact; there is room for not only improvement but also expansion. Taking a look at industries with an online presence like ecommerce and comparing their online and physical volumes, I noticed that there is a big room for growth.
The revenue from land based gambling activities dwarfs that of online gambling by a lot and while this can be related to more high rollers going to casinos to place huge bets, the fact that the internet has a better reach cannot be argued, meaning that there are people whom would like to participate in online gaming but cannot because of either due to the absence of ways to receive payment in their area, their inability to remain anonymous or problems of trusts in the traditional systems.
The level of transparency the platform offers ts users developers and operators alike using the blockchain technology is an added advantage this platform possess over the traditional centralized online gambling platforms.
By tackling these problems and offering more consumer targeted add on', Joy Gaming offers a better reach and provides the extra room for expansion in a multi-billion dollars industry.
Traditional giant companies in the gambling industry already have a way of drowning out their competitors with advertisement and promotions of their platforms. This is still however a big threat as this companies are capable of spending millions of dollars on promotions in order to place their platforms before the eyes of every gamer out there.
The success of joy token relies a lot on the success of Blockchain technology which is expected but a lot also relies on a very good feedback/performance evaluation system. Why? Because the ease of usage of a platform like this is vital to its success rate. The absence of a direct Blockchain competitor at this stage means there is no platforms to gauge Joy's performance with, meaning they can lose early adopters if the project runs into some challenges which can be very expensive in this business because of the might of the centralized companies.
Official Contacts
The points stated above are conclusions from a long personal evaluation of Joy token's project using the website, whitepaper and telegram among other research tools. Kindly visit the above stated contacts for more information on the project and your do your own research always.
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